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AFTRA Local: Phoenix

Welcome to AFTRA Phoenix

As the journey toward a new union between AFTRA and SAG continues, now more than ever it is important for you as an AFTRA member to be involved and have your say.

If you have any questions, concerns or ideas to share, don’t hesitate to get involved. If the proposed new union documents are approved by both national boards, there will be an up or down referendum presented sometime early next year. Don’t get left out of the discussion!

It is the contribution of many that should and must be the driving force behind this new union. Isn’t that one of the ideas behind creating a new union? Everyone should have their chance and opportunity to have their say and now is the time for you to do so.

Please don’t assume that what you may have to say is not important, even if you think it may already have been said. You never know, from your contribution something brilliant may be the outcome. Don’t assume decisions made by a few without the input of the many, will automatically result in serving your best interests. That’s why your involvement is so important.

You can educate yourself and find out about the process by going to: http://www.aftra.com/OneUnion.htm

If you have questions, concerns or ideas you can email them to: oneunionquestions@aftra.com

I urge you to let them know how important it is to you and for the Phoenix Local that we retain our presence and representation in this new union.

Joe Corcoran, President
Roxanne Chaisson, Executive Director
20325 N. 51st Avenue, Suite 134
Glendale, AZ 85308
623.687.9977 phone
623.362.2218 fax
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2011 Election Results

In accordance with the Constitution and By-laws of the Phoenix Local of AFTRA, and since no one chose to run on petition in the recent election, the nominated candidates have been duly elected for two year terms beginning with our Annual Membership Meeting in the fall for the following seats. Congratulations to Second Vice President Rodd Wolff, Secretary Amanda Melby, Member-at-Large Larry Clever, and Member-at-Large Marla Price on your re-election.

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