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Welcome to New Orleans


Welcome to the Big Easy Local. Yeah, we know it’s not technically our Local's name, but if you’re going to be doing business in New Orleans, you need to start with a New Orleans state of mind—That’s right, even post-Katrina.

Let’s get the facts out of the way first. We’ve been here for over half a century. Our local membership includes performers and broadcast staff. We are AFTRA members because we are committed to the highest standards of our industry and we believe that Broadcast staff and talent should be treated professionally.

This is what we believe:

A. That employers/producers should get top quality talent for efficiently produced work.

B. That talent should be treated respectfully and remunerated properly and promptly.

C. That our collective voices and actions can have a positive effect on improving the pay and treatment for all performers and broadcast staff in the market.

These are the same principles which founded all the performing unions. They activate us today. If these beliefs are yours, “Bienvenue à La Nouvelle Orleans!”

With the facts and the welcome out of the way, let’s all get to work. We work in the same market and share the same problems you face as performers and broadcast staff. Join us as we move forward to create a better New Orleans production market for all performers and broadcast staff.

Our local union is US so consider getting actively involved. Feel free to contact Charley or Diana if you have any questions or wish to participate in the Local Board or a Committee.

For more information about AFTRA and the benefits of AFTRA membership please take time to navigate through our national website.

Be part of the new AFTRA New Orleans 

• Want to join AFTRA?
Initiation Fee in New Orleans is only $625.
Contact neworleans@aftra.com or call 800.330.2387.

• Want to reactivate or transfer your membership to New Orleans?
Contact neworleans@aftra.com or call 800.330.2387.



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