Office of the Chief Financial Officer

UCOPOP DivisionsFinance OfficeRisk ServicesWorkers' Compensation

Risk Services
University of California
Office of the President
1111 Franklin St., 10th Floor
Oakland, CA 94607-5201

Workers' Compensation

Workers' Compensation benefits are available to University employees who are injured on the job. The University employs a system wide multi-faceted program that provides proper benefits to employees whether they are working in California, other states or abroad. The Office of Risk Services is responsible for the administration of the system wide program which includes:

The system wide program is managed by Kevin Confetti, Risk Manager - Workers' Compensation.

Contact Kevin Confetti by phone at: (510) 987-9868 or .

Each campus, medical center and laboratory has a designated Workers' Compensation Manager and supporting staff responsible for claims management and coordination at their location.

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