Division of Academic Affairs

UCOPOP DivisionsAcademic AffairsOffice of Research and Graduate Studies › Research Grants Program Office

Office of Research and Graduate Studies
University of California
Office of the President
1111 Franklin St., 11th Floor
Oakland, CA 94607-5200

Research Grants Program Office

Mary Croughan, Executive Director

fiber optic

Funding Research to Address the Most Critical Needs of California

The Research Grants Program Office (RGPO) oversees a broad portfolio of research programs and grants, representing close to $100 million in funded research each year. With a diverse set of missions and approaches, these programs seek to:

To learn more about individual programs or initiatives, see Programs and Funding Opportunities.

The RGPO administers a diverse range of research programs, helps identify and foster the highest quality research, shares resources and best practices across programs, supports researchers in managing their UCOP-administered research grants, and helps to measure and communicate the impact of research at UC and in California.

As a service to California, the RGPO administers two Tax Check-off lines, the voluntary contributions from individuals' State Tax Form 540. These funds are specifically earmarked for research into the prevention, detection, and treatment of cancer for communities that are disproportionately at risk of or affected by cancer. To learn more about these funds, see Tax Check-off.


Research Programs