Office of the Chief Financial Officer

UCOPOP DivisionsFinance OfficeRisk ServicesOther Risk Services › Risk Summit

CFO Division
University of California
Office of the President
1111 Franklin St., 10th Floor
Oakland, CA 94607-5201

Risk Summit

Risk Summit is an annual summit providing a forum to share ideas, best practices and to prepare to face challenges at the University. The themes of prior Risk Summits - Mission Possible, Starship Enterprise (ERM), Go Team UC, Treasure Hunt, Leading Through Change - have focused on making changes, addressing difficulties, facing challenges head on, and doing all of this by finding creative ways to do more with less. The Risk Summit brings groups across the UC system, campuses, and medical centers together to team up and focus on common strategic goals. The groups have included campus & hospital risk management, workers' compensation, environment health and safety, emergency management, UC Ready mission continuity, recreational sports, occupational health physicians, purchasing, facilities, construction and our strategic partners.

Materials from prior Risk Summits is available on the Risk Services Internal Website. (Login required)