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Commodity and Food Elasticities



Agricultural economists often require information and estimates on price and income elasticities for their research and analysis. Having a review of elasticities for major commodities and countries in a database will lay the foundation for more accurate research on production, consumption, and trade.

Most of the demand elasticities in this data product are from academic and government research conducted in the United States on consumer demand, as published in working papers, dissertations, and peer-reviewed journals and as presented at professional conferences in the United States. The most fully covered countries are the United States and China, and the greatest number of demand studies are for vegetables, fruits, and grocery products such as coffee and ketchup. The income, expenditure, own-price, and cross-price elasticities can be downloaded in Microsoft Excel or Adobe Acrobat PDF format.


Literature review

Demand Elasticities from Literature
For the demand studies included in this database, information is provided on authors, full citation, source table title, publication date, data period, model type, demand type, and demand properties.

Updated February 2006

Related Links

International Food Consumption Patterns Database estimates food budget shares and income and price elasticities, using 2005 data, for 9 major consumption groups and 8 food subgroups across 144 countries.

The accompanying report, International Evidence on Food Consumption Patterns, contains information on the data, economic modeling, and the econometric methodology used in estimating the elasticities.

International Evidence on Food Consumption Patterns: An Update Using 2005 International Comparison Program Data builds upon the previous report with more recent data.


For more information, contact: James Hansen or Nora Brooks

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Updated date: September 30, 2011