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Population-Interaction Zones for Agriculture (PIZA): Access Data

Data sets for the indexes (PII) and codes (PIZA) are provided in three different formats with slightly different fields depending on the format: for the years 1980, 1990, and 2000.


1. ArcInfo GRIDS—GRIDS for the PII and PIZA are provided as ESRI export files. Each grid is accompanied by an associated metadata file. Use of the ESRI Shapefiles and the Arc/Info GRIDS requires the availability of a GIS with ArcView/ArcInfo.

2. ESRI Shapefiles—A shapefile is provided for the PIZA data. The shapefile is provided as a .ZIP file. The shapefile is accompanied by an associated metadata file. Use of the ESRI Shapefiles and the Arc/Info GRIDS requires the availability of a GIS with ArcView/ArcInfo.

3. County-Level PII and PIZA Text File—A text file contains the county-level indexes and zones for Population-Interaction:

Field Description
FIPS A five-digit county indentifier
PII1980 The population interaction index for 1980 for the entire county
PIZA1980 The population interaction zones for 1980 for the entire county, rounded to nearest value
PII1990 The population interaction index for 1990 for the entire county
PIZA1990 The population interaction zones for 1990 for the entire county, rounded to nearest value
PII2000 The population interaction index for 2000 for the entire county
PIZA2000 The population interaction zones for 2000 for the entire county, rounded to nearest value


For more information, contact: Kathleen Kassel and Vince Breneman

Web administration:

Updated date: June 6, 2005