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Market Context for BSE

The U.S. cattle and beef markets continue to be impacted by the December 2003 and June 2005 announcements of confirmed positive tests for bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE, or "mad cow" disease) in the United States. Discovery of the disease in the United States has focused attention on beef and cattle markets and on U.S. government actions. These cases have also underscored the importance of reliable information and analysis. USDA is providing updates on related developments, including enhanced testing, measures taken by the government to prevent the spread of BSE, and information on technical aspects. ERS monitors and analyzes cattle markets, the beef industry, food safety, and trade, providing background information and research for perspective on recent events.

ERS Market Information and Analysis

  • Beef and cattle industry background data on production, prices, and trade are assembled on a single web page for use by journalists and others looking for perspective on the markets.

  • The monthly newsletter Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook contains current market situation and outlook for the cattle industry. The January 2004 issue covers the market impact of the discovery of BSE in the United States. The June-August 2003 issues include analyses accounting for the discovery of BSE in Canada.

  • Cattle Briefing Room covers conditions and events that influence supply, demand, trade, and prices in domestic and global cattle and beef markets.

Other Topical Resources

Each contains a compilation of analyses by ERS economists on the topic, and provides links to reports, articles, monographs, and data:

Policy, Economics, and Food Safety

Global Markets

Recent ERS Reports on Related Issues

  • Dissecting the Challenges of Mad Cow and Foot-and-Mouth Disease (pdf) summarizes differences and similarities between "mad cow" disease and foot-and-mouth disease and presents some of the estimated economic impacts and implications. Simultaneous presence of the two diseases in the U.K. caused confusion among consumers worldwide about these diseases and their interrelationships.


For more information, contact: Janet Perry

Web administration:

Updated date: June 10, 2009