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Outlook Reports: USDA Outlook Process

USDA Projections, Forecasts, and Estimates

USDA presents an initial assessment of U.S. crop supply and demand prospects and U.S. prices for the coming crop marketing year. When spring planting is still underway, planted acreage is from USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) Prospective Plantings report issued in late March. Other items are projected by the appropriate Interagency Commodity Estimates Committee until actual numbers are available. However, after planting and substantial plant development, NASS estimates planted acres and forecasts harvested acreage, yields, and production. After harvest, NASS estimates harvested acres, yields, and production.

World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE), released by USDA's World Agricultural Outlook Board , provides USDA's comprehensive forecasts of supply and demand for major U.S. and global crops and U.S. livestock. The report gathers information from a number of statistical reports published by USDA and other government agencies, and provides a framework for additional USDA reports.

For more information on USDA's process for making short- and long-term forecasts, see Understanding USDA Crop Forecasts,PDF file How the WASDE Report Is Prepared, and USDA Outlook Process.


For more information, contact: Molly Garber

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Updated date: November 24, 2008