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Rural Income, Poverty, and Welfare: High-Poverty Counties

High poverty frequently occurs in an ethnic or subregional context, but the factors affecting poverty differ within these contexts. The diversity within these high-poverty areas means that there is no single recipe for prosperity. Strategies to improve the economic well-being of rural residents in such areas will differ based on individual and community needs.

A map shows high-poverty counties by type: Black, Native American, Hispanic, Southern Highlands, and Other. Click the map to go to analysis by county poverty type, and to get a list of the counties classified here.

Defining High-Poverty Counties

USDA's Economic Research Service has developed a typology of high-poverty counties that reflects racial/ethnic and regional differences in the character of these counties. High-poverty counties are defined here as nonmetro counties with a poverty rate of 20 percent or more based on 1999 income reported in the 2000 Census. This definition is consistent with the Census Bureau practice of identifying poverty areas. Of the 444 nonmetro counties (based on the 1993 Office of Management and Budget definition) classified as high-poverty counties in 2000, three-fourths reflect the low income of racial and ethnic minorities. Black (210 counties), Hispanic (74 counties), or Native American (40 counties) high-poverty areas are identified by one of two conditions: (1) over half of the poor population in the county is from one of these minority group or (2) over half of the poor population is non-Hispanic White, but the high-poverty rate of a minority group pushes the county's poverty rate over 20 percent. For example, Alabama's Crenshaw County has a poverty population that is 55 percent non-Hispanic White and 44 percent Black. The poverty rate for Whites is 17 percent, but the 39-percent poverty rate of Blacks pushes the overall county poverty rate above 20 percent. The Southern Highlands (91 counties) high-poverty areas are located in this part of the country and the poor are predominantly non-Hispanic. The remaining 27 high-poverty counties fall outside of the definition of racial/ethnic minority and Southern Highland county types.

The typology of high-poverty counties used here is based on county-level data. Once the high-poverty counties are identified, comparisons among high-poverty types are made for persons or households within the county by poverty level, education, employment, family structure, disability, and language proficiency to assess key differences.

Black High-Poverty Counties

Of the high-poverty counties, 210 were characterized by the low income of their Black residents. These counties, with nearly 5 million residents, lie in the old plantation belt of the southern Coastal Plain, especially from southern North Carolina through Louisiana. Thirty-nine percent of Blacks in these counties had poverty-level income, a proportion well above that of Blacks in nonmetro counties without high poverty (28 percent) or in metro areas (24 percent).

A map shows the 210 counties identified as having high poverty most notedly among the Black population. Click the map to see this list of counties.

Black high-poverty counties have the highest rate of children living in single female-headed families (32.7%). For Native high-poverty counties, this rate is second highest, at 23.7%. Hispanic counties (19.9%) and high-poverty counties in the Southern Highlands (18.2%) had rates closer to the nonmetro average of 18.4%.Among conditions relevant to poverty, Black high-poverty counties stand out most prominently in the fact that a third of all poor children under 18 in these areas were in female-headed households with no husband present. This proportion is much higher than that found in other types of high-poverty areas, and is double that in nonmetro counties without high poverty. In general, poverty in female-headed households with children, but no husband present, is much higher than in other household types. In nonmetro America as a whole, such households had a poverty incidence of 42 percent, compared with 10 percent for all other households with minor children. It is difficult for female-headed families to attain adequate income, unless they receive child support, given the lower average wages of women and the lack of other wage earners in such a family. Black high-poverty counties also have higher proportions of households without a motor vehicle (12.5 percent) than other high-poverty county types and nonmetro counties without high poverty (6.9 percent). Limited access to a motor vehicle can inhibit access to employment and essential services in rural and small-town communities that have little or no public transportation.

Hispanic High-Poverty Counties

High poverty among Hispanics accounted for the overall high poverty in 74 counties. These counties are concentrated in the traditional Hispanic homeland of the Southwest, especially Texas and New Mexico, but some are now in Florida, Georgia, Missouri, and Washington, as Hispanics have grown rapidly from immigration and dispersed outside of traditional settlement areas. Within the 74 counties, Hispanic poverty rates averaged 32 percent in 2000, a substantial decline from the 41-percent level in 1990. This drop was achieved despite the fact that Hispanics rose as a share of the entire population in the 74 counties (from 53 percent to 59 percent), and the proportion of higher-income non-Hispanic Whites in these counties dropped, with absolute declines in many counties.

A map shows the 74 counties identified as having high poverty most notedly among the Hispanic population.

Despite the rising dominance of Hispanics within high-poverty areas where the poor are mostly Hispanic, a declining share of all nonmetro Hispanics now live in high-poverty areas. Hispanic growth in nonmetro areas outside of these high-poverty areas was so rapid in the 1990s that the share of all nonmetro Hispanics living in Hispanic high-poverty counties fell from 34 percent to 26 percent. In contrast, nonmetro Blacks and Native Americans showed only modest shifts away from high-poverty areas to lower-poverty counties elsewhere.

A graph highlights on characteristic of Hispanic high-poverty counties: difficulty with English. Native American high-poverty counties reported the second highest rate, 11.0%. High poverty Black counties (1.9%) and those in the Southern Highlands (1.0%) had rates below the nonmetro average (3.2%) for this measure. Hispanic high-poverty counties differ most widely from other high-poverty counties in the share of people who report that they do not speak English "very well" (22 percent). Native American high-poverty counties had the next highest proportion with 11 percent of residents reporting difficulty with the English language. Lack of English proficiency is an obvious hindrance to obtaining higher-skilled work. It is especially prevalent in areas with large recent influxes of immigrants, such as along the Mexican border, where it exceeds 40 percent in some nonmetro counties.

Hispanic poverty counties have a large share of adults (37 percent) who did not complete high school, a condition partly created by the high amount of recent immigration and the limited schooling that many Hispanic immigrants attained in their home countries. This level is considerably higher than the 21 percent for Hispanics in nonmetro counties without high poverty. Hispanic high-poverty counties have more than double the ratio of high school dropouts to four-year college graduates than nonmetro areas without high poverty.

Native American High-Poverty Counties

The high poverty rate in 40 nonmetro counties resulted from low income among Native Americans, including Alaskan Natives. These counties are all located in areas of either historic tribal presence or 19th-century Indian reservation resettlement, especially in the Northern Plains, the Southwest, Oklahoma, and Alaska. The poverty rate of Native Americans in these counties was 41 percent, a level greater than that of the dominant minority in other types of high-poverty counties. The Native American counties did not simply have a greater incidence of poverty, they also had the highest proportion in deep poverty. A full fifth of the total population in these areas lived in households with incomes below 75 percent of the poverty line.

A map shows the 40 counties identified as having high poverty most notedly among the American Indian and Alaskan Native population.

Native American high-poverty counties have both the lowest share of people employed and the lowest share of men employed in full-time, year-round work compared with other high-poverty counties. Only 36 percent of males age 16 and over had A graph shows the number of workers per 100 persons.  Native high-poverty counties had the highest dependency, 288 person per 100 workers. Hispanic (270), Black (254) high-poverty counties, and high-poverty counties in the Southern Highlands (269) all had ratios above the nonmetro average of 220.full-time, year-round work in high-poverty Native American counties, versus 47.5 percent in counties without high poverty. In addition, Native American counties had the highest dependency rate (as measured by the ratio of total population to employed people) of all county groups, with 288 persons of all ages for every 100 with jobs. In contrast, nonmetro counties without high poverty had a ratio of 214 workers per 100 persons.

Native Americans in high-poverty counties are much more likely to be children (along with the parent or parents with whom they live) than older people, compared with high-poverty minorities in other areas. Native American high-poverty counties have 5.9 poor children under age 18 for each poor person age 65 and over. This compares with ratios of 4.2 for every poor older person in Hispanic high-poverty counties, and just 2.6 in nonmetro counties without high poverty. Thus alleviation of poverty needs to focus more on children and their parents in Native American high-poverty areas than it does in other areas.

In many Native American high-poverty counties, especially in the Northern Plains, the White proportion of the population has dwindled as the number of White farmers and ranchers interspersed among the Indian lands has declined. The non-Hispanic White share of the population in these areas fell from 44.5 percent in 1990 to 40 percent in 2000. Thus it is impressive that despite the serious conditions outlined above, the overall reduction in poverty in the Native American areas during the 1990s, from 34 percent to 28 percent, was achieved despite a diminished presence of the racial group with the highest income.

High Poverty in the Southern Highlands

In the high-poverty counties not classified as Black, Hispanic, or Native American, the majority (91) are in the Southern Highlands. Most are in the Allegheny and Cumberland Plateau country of Kentucky and West Virginia, but others are in the Ozark Plateau and Ouachita Mountains, west of the Mississippi River. Racial and ethnic minorities in these counties are few, and the vast majority of the poor are non-Hispanic Whites.

A map shows the counties classified as high-poverty Southern Highlands.

Poverty in the Southern Highlands is chronic. Historically, the region's topography offered limited potential for commercial farming, few urban centers emerged, education lagged, and much of the area was subject to periods of boom and bust in the logging and mining industries. The modern era has brought improvements, with poverty much reduced since 1960. But the high-poverty counties share several conditions that contribute to individual income remaining below the poverty level for more than a fifth of the population. Southern Highlands high-poverty counties had the highest proportion of their population reporting a disability (31.0%). Black (27.2) Hispanic (24.4%), and Native (24.1%) high-poverty counties all had rates of self-reported disability above the nonmetro average of   21.3%.

One feature that stands out in the Southern Highlands high-poverty counties is that 31 percent of people age 21-64 report having a disability. This is a higher incidence than found in any of the other high-poverty county groups or in counties without high poverty. Some disabilities of residents in the Highlands stem from mining-related injuries or diseases, but many of the counties with high rates are not mining areas. Not all of the disabilities are work limiting, but their unusual prevalence restricts the potential for education and employment opportunities alone to reduce Southern Highlands poverty.

Despite strides in educational attainment, the high-poverty Southern Highlands counties retain a ratio of high school dropouts to 4-year college graduates that is two-and-a-half times that in nonmetro counties without high poverty. The Highlands ratio of 3.5 to 1 is higher than that in any of the minority high-poverty counties. Many young people in the Southern Highlands who have attained advanced education have moved elsewhere for economic opportunity.

Other High-Poverty Counties

Only 27 high-poverty counties fall outside of the classification of Black, Hispanic, Native American, or Southern Highlands. Fifteen are thinly settled farming areas in the northern Great Plains, where income levels can vary widely from year-to-year, depending on wheat and cattle prices and output. Two others are the only high-poverty counties where Asians are over half of the poor.

A map show the 27 other high-poverty counties. Click the map to see a list of these counties.

All types of high-poverty counties have multiple characteristics on which they differ from counties with less poverty. Virtually all (94 percent) of these counties reflect historic geographical concentrations of minority and Southern Highlands populations. Widespread poverty limits the tax base, and where chronic, may impose a poverty of services. But each type of high-poverty county has its own signature characteristics that are poverty related. It is essential to recognize these typically deep-rooted distinctions and their significance if low-income problems are to be addressed successfully in Federal and other programs. High poverty is high poverty, but the context in which it exists varies.

See the related Amber Waves article, Anatomy of Nonmetro High-Poverty Areas: Common in Plight, Distinctive in Nature

Download all classified high-poverty counties (in Excel).


For more information, contact: Tracey Farrigan

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Updated date: September 8, 2010