Office of the Chief Financial Officer

UCOPOP DivisionsFinance OfficeRisk ServicesGeneral, Employment Practices & Automobile Liability FAQ

CFO Division
University of California
Office of the President
1111 Franklin St., 10th Floor
Oakland, CA 94607-5201

General, Employment Practices & Automobile Liability FAQ

Employment Practices Liability

  1. If an individual is sued for something that they allegedly did during the workday, should they hire their own lawyer or will the University defend them?
  2. If the University is sued, which department is responsible for oversight of the lawsuit defense (on behalf of the Regents and employees)?

  1. If an individual is sued for something that they allegedly did during the workday, should they hire their own lawyer or will the University defend them?
    The University is required by law to provide defense and indemnification to an employee who was working within course and scope of their employment with UC. There are some specific activities that fall outside that which the law was intended to cover, such as sexual harassment or criminal activity, and as a result may fall outside of that legal responsibility of the University to defend the individual and pay any settlements or judgments.
  2. If the University is sued, which department is responsible for oversight of the lawsuit defense (on behalf of the Regents and employees)?
    If the cause of action(s) in the lawsuit falls under the "GAEL" program, then Risk Management Services has responsibility for management of the lawsuit at the campus level. The current practice is to involve the affected department or college throughout the legal process and case defense, as well as the Campus Counsel, the Provost or Chancellor's Office, when appropriate, Office of General Counsel, and Office of the President Risk Management Services, just to name a few.

Automobile Liability

  1. Does the University insure rented vehicles used for business? Should a department purchase the collision damage waiver (CDW) or other optional insurance from the rental company?
  2. Are vehicles on loan or leased covered by the insurance program?
  3. If I am driving my own vehicle on University business and it is damaged, am I insured under the University insurance program?
  4. If our department rents a vehicle from Fleet Services and are involved in an accident, what action should we take?
  5. Are trailers covered under the Automobile Liability and Physical Damage Program?

  1. Does the University insure rented vehicles used for business? Should a department purchase the collision damage waiver (CDW) or other optional insurance from the rental company?
    The University maintains automobile rental agreements with various automobile rental companies for use by University faculty and staff on business-related travel. When using University agreements, liability and physical damage insurance on the rental automobiles is usually provided by the rental companies if:
    • A University rental car agreement is used (see the list and details on agreements on the Connexxus Travel Site. Be sure to review the agreement to ensure the type of vehicle being rented is included in the agreement and for what coverage.
    • The driver has the University agreement number (each company has its own number) listed on their rental agreement by the rental company and identifies herself/himself as a University employee.
    • The automobile is used on University business.
    If the rented vehicle is not provided insurance coverage under the University agreement, the University's Automobile Liability and Physical Damage Self Insurance Program would cover comprehensive and/or collision damage to the rental vehicle and the CDW or LDW should be declined.
  2. Are vehicles on loan or leased covered by the insurance program?
    If physical damage insurance or general liability insurance is required for vehicles, trailers, boats, or similar equipment on loan or leased to the University, it must be requested and purchased by the department. Contact Risk Management Services for further information.
  3. If I am driving my own vehicle on University business and it is damaged, am I insured under the University insurance program?
    Your private insurance is the primary source of insurance coverage for your automobile, even when you are driving such vehicle on University business. If liability damages exceed your limits, the University's Automobile Liability coverage may be available as excess insurance over your personal auto policy.
  4. If our department rents a vehicle from Fleet Services and are involved in an accident, what action should we take?
    Fleet Services provides an Automobile Accident Report form in all of their vehicles, which should be completed by the driver involved in the accident or a representative from the department. The form should be completed with as much information as possible and then submitted to Fleet Services and Campus Risk Management. Campus Risk Management will report the loss to the University's Claims Administrator, who will investigate the claim, evaluate the damage and issue the funds for the repairs.
  5. Are trailers covered under the Automobile Liability and Physical Damage Program?
    Trailers that are being towed behind a vehicle covered under the Automobile Liability and Physical Damage Program are considered an extension of the covered vehicle. Third party bodily injury and/or property damage and physical damage arising out of a peril described in the comprehensive or collision coverage that occurs while the trailer is being towed would be covered.