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Information Resources & Communications

Message to Campus Administrators

August 12, 2003

Dear Colleagues:

As you are aware, the issue of illegal file-sharing of copyrighted digital files — including music, movies, books, and software — is receiving significant national attention, and there has been an increase in the notices to our campuses alleging unauthorized file-sharing over the University's networks. The University also has received subpoenas related to alleged copyright infringement, as well as requests for access to computer records. The national spotlight on the issue makes very real the possibility of legislative action to alter copyright law in ways that may not value the principle of "fair use." It is important that the University demonstrate unequivocally its respect for the rights of copyright holders. To this end, we have sent a memo to UC Chancellors encouraging them to issue letters to their communities reaffirming the University's commitment to copyright law, as well as explaining possible legal consequences of copyright violations.

The purpose of this letter is to reiterate and clarify to those of you who work directly with these issues some of the University's procedures for compliance with copyright law, and to urge you to seek creative ways to educate students, faculty, and staff about copyright and about their responsibilities as University network users.

As an educational institution, the University values academic freedom and by policy does not monitor the content of electronic communications or search for copyright violations occurring over its networks (UC Electronic Communications Policy: The University follows procedures in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) that enable it to abide by its policy of not monitoring content, to process claims of copyright infringement, and to retain a "safe harbor" from liability.

The DMCA did not change existing copyright law but created a procedural mechanism to insulate on-line service providers (OSPs) from liability for their subscribers' copyright infringement. The OSP is accorded non-liability if it follows the DMCA procedures and meets other qualifications. The University qualifies as an OSP under the terms of the DMCA, and in 1999 the Office of the President issued guidelines prepared by the Office of General Counsel to ensure compliance with the DMCA safe harbor provisions. This document, "Guidelines for Compliance with the Online Service Provider Provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act," may be found on-line at The University chooses to benefit from the DMCA safe harbor provisions whenever possible.

Pertinent requirements for retaining safe harbor include the following:

Please contact University Counsel Mary MacDonald at (510) 987-9742 if you have any questions regarding the DMCA and its safe harbor provisions.

We recognize that addressing illegal file-sharing requires significant coordination among many units-residential hall administration, business affairs, student judicial affairs, information technology administration, etc. Nevertheless, we believe that the UC community can work as a whole to respect copyright law and at the same time preserve the freedom of expression and access to scholarly inquiry so critical to the University's mission.

For further information, please contact Yvonne Tevis, Executive Assistant in Information Resources and Communication at (510) 987-0638 . or Annik Hirshen, Policy and Legislative Coordinator in Student Academic Services at (510) 987-9210 .


Julius Zelmanowitz
Acting Provost and Senior Vice President —
Academic Affairs
Joseph P. Mullinix
Senior Vice President —
Business and Finance

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