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Cellular Phone Recycling Drive: August 15 - 29

To: UCOP Community
From: Michael Shannon, Manager, IR&C Communication Services

UCOP Communication Services is pleased to host a cellular phone recycling drive in partnership with the PaceButler Corporation ( ), a non-profit organization. Here's your chance to get rid of all those unused cellular phones and cell phone batteries lying around at home or the office. We will take all functional and nonfunctional cellular phones and batteries. Cellular phone accessories will not be accepted during this drive.

PaceButler will assign a monetary value to each functional phone and battery collected, and issue a check to charities that Communication Services has selected (detailed below). While PaceButler only will pay for phones that work, it nevertheless will take all nonfunctional phones and dispose of them safely.

Recycling cellular phones is important. Cell phones contain potentially dangerous materials such as lead, cadmium, mercury, and arsenic. If cell phones are not disposed of properly, these materials may eventually leach into the soil and groundwater. In addition, civil war in central Africa has been attributed in part to competition for resources such as coltan, a valuable ore. Coltan is the source of tantalum, which is used as a superconductor in cell phones so that batteries, and hence the phones themselves, can now be smaller.

Recycling phones, and reducing demand for the materials used in cell phones, may decrease our negative impact on the environment and human lives. Communication Services wants to do its part to work toward a cleaner, safer, and more humane global environment. We are excited to initiate this recycling drive and ask for your support and participation.

When Is the Drive?
August 15 - August 29, 2005
Collection boxes will be placed at the following locations beginning Monday, August 15.
-- Franklin : Employee lunch room, 5th floor
-- Kaiser Center : Outside room 1209, 12th floor
-- 20th Street, IR&C : Kitchen area, 3rd floor
-- 20th Street, CDL : Contact Garland Giles, 7-3362
-- 1111 Broadway : Contact Gay Adams, 7-9627
-- 1333 Broadway : Contact Hany Jong, 7-3308
The collection boxes will be emptied every Friday through August 26. Phones may be hand delivered to Communication Services, 1111 Franklin Street, Room 8330D, through the end of the day on Monday, August 29. Donated phones will be packaged and shipped to PaceButler via Federal Express on Tuesday, September 6.

Who Receives the Proceeds?
Proceeds from your cellular phone donations will go to ActionAgainstHunger and the United States Fund for UNICEF. The check, issued on behalf of the UC Office of the President, will be earmarked to provide aid toward the food crisis in Niger. Learn more about these charities at, and .

For more information about the Cellular Phone Recycling Drive, contact Kimyatta Dorsey, who conceived of and has organized the drive, at or 987-0709. Communication Services will send out an e-mail after the drive detailing the results! Thank you for your support.

Please submit your questions, comments, and suggestions at feedback.html