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Self Portrait of Wile with his photography supplies Personal Impact

Crawford: What do you think the impact of that experience at Buchenwald has been on yourself?
Wile: All of the detail is very vague to me. I was seeing so much and it was such a shock too, and then again it wasn't a shock. Possibly, in war, there is no horror that you're not prepared to see, really. Only after all these many years, when you see something on TV to resurrect it, does it have an impact on you in such a way that, you know, it shakes you up. It really does!
To recognize that a human is a very difficult thing to get rid of, that there isn't anything that a human will not do to another human, and that the leadership of this world has not paid close attention to the tremendous pressure that population is causing us to have to contend with at some point and not too far down the road. This is my impression and feeling and observation of what's going on here.

page created August, 1999
Copyright Emory University