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Information Sheet

N0. C- 2807 ( I/L )
21st October, 2003

Government of Myanmar Urges Washington to

Support Democracy in Myanmar

 The Government of Myanmar was disappointed to hear that, during the APEC summit, the United States opposed Myanmar’s progress toward democracy and continued to advocate policies which undermine Myanmar’s social, political and economic stability.

The Government calls upon Washington to reconsider its approach, and work constructively for democratic change in Myanmar.

The Government urges the United States to listen to the views of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) regarding Myanmar.

ASEAN supports the Myanmar road map, which it believes is a pragmatic path to democracy in Myanmar. ASEAN understands that sanctions undermine political progress. And ASEAN understands that positive cooperation, not negative criticism, is the best way to achieve our common goals.

The Government would also like to request Washington to honestly examine the effectiveness of its own policies.

America would benefit from a democratic Myanmar, yet Washington ignores our invitations to work constructively toward this goal. America would benefit from ending the drug trade, yet Washington refuses to help in our war against narcotics. America would benefit from an economically stable Myanmar, yet Washington destroys our peoples’ jobs through sanctions. America would benefit from having Myanmar as a responsible member of the global community, yet Washington continues to oppose Myanmar’s membership in international organizations.

The Government urges Washington to put aside these self-defeating policies, and instead focus on ways to achieve positive goals.

Instead of relying on easy platitudes, we encourage Washington to understand Myanmar’s complex political culture. Instead of focusing on a single individual, we encourage Washington to consider the entire Myanmar people. Instead of trying to destabilize Myanmar through sanctions, we encourage Washington to help develop a healthy society in which democracy can flourish and endure.

The negative approach of sanctions and isolation is a "lose-lose" strategy for both America and Myanmar. If our countries are to move forward, it is clearly time for a fresh approach.

The Government of Myanmar therefore calls upon Washington once again to join in building a modern, prosperous and enduring democracy in Myanmar. Helping us along the road map to democracy will result in a better world for all of us.

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Last modified: 03/26/06