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Rural Indicators Map Machine

This is an archived data product. It may not reflect the current ERS work program. For current data products, see our data section.


The Rural Indicators Map Machine is an Internet-based mapping utility that provides a visualization of indicators for rural areas available from ERS. These indicators include the Natural Amenities Scale, the Rural Typology Code, the Urban Influence Code, the Rural-urban Continuum Code, and the Rural-urban Commuting Area Code. You can examine the data and get information about the features on the map, move to different geographic levels, and change data layers. For example, a user can select a state, zoom into a specific county and display the data attributes of that county.

Data Files

Access the Rural Indicators Map Machine

The links below provide additional information about the indicators and ability to dowload data files.

ERS data products:


Interactive data product.

Instructions/helpful Hints

Find out more on using the Rural Map machine.

Related Resources

Atlas of Rural and Small-Town America—The Atlas is a web-based interactive mapping tool that displays a broad range of data at the county level to visualize how social and economic conditions vary in rural areas across the United States. Users can create and download maps and download data.


For more information, contact: Tim Parker

Web administration:

Updated date: December 14, 2005