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Cuba's Citrus Industry: Growth and Change

By William E. Kost

Outlook Report No. (FTS30901) 9 pp, April 2004

Cuban citrus is a major commercial crop and foreign exchange earner. The 1990s saw an industry collapse and a shift from fresh oranges to processed citrus products and grapefruit production. If commercial relationships with the United States were restored, Cuba's citrus industry would likely look to U.S. markets for new opportunities for Cuban fresh citrus, processed citrus products, and citrus byproducts. In turn, Cuba's citrus industry could become a market for U.S. exports of technology, citrus rootstock and other inputs, and capital. New U.S.-Cuban partnerships could develop to partially integrate citrus production, processing, and marketing for U.S. markets.

Keywords: Cuba, citrus, orange, grapefruit, lemon, lime, production, trade, ERS, USDA

In this report ...

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Updated date: April 2004

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