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Prospects for India's Emerging Apple Market

By Satish Y. Deodhar, Maurice Landes and Barry Krissoff

Outlook Report No. (FTS31901) 38 pp, January 2006

Strong economic growth is projected to lead to continued expansion of Indian apple demand, but the high cost of domestic and imported apples compared with other Indian fruit is likely to limit consumption to higher income consumers. U.S. apples have accounted for the largest share of Indian imports, but face increasing competition from high-quality and low-cost Chinese apples. Although India has a high (50-percent) tariff on imported apples, internal marketing margins—or returns to traders over and above measured costs—account for a significantly larger share of consumer apple prices than do import prices, tariffs, or marketing costs.

Keywords: India, apples, production, consumption, imports, tariff, ERS, USDA

In this report ...

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Updated date: January 11, 2006

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