
Flour and cereal products provided more calories per day for the average American than any other food group in 2009

Pie chart with 6 items.

Item 1, Added fats and oils 23.0% 596.
Item 2, Flour and cereal products 23.9% 619.
Item 3, Caloric sweetners 17.0% 440.
Item 4, Meat, eggs, and nuts 18.2% 473.
Item 5, Dairy 10.1% 261.
Item 6, Fruit and vegetables 7.9% 205.

Fruit and vegetables 205
Added fats and oils and dairy fats 596
Dairy 261
Meat, eggs, and nuts 473
Flour and cereal products 619
Caloric sweetners 440
Note: Food availability data serve as proxies for food consumption. Added fats and oils and added sugars are added to foods during processing or preparation. They do not include naturally occurring fats and sugars in food (e.g., fats in meat or sugars in fruits). Source: USDA, ERS.
