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Sweetener Policies in Japan

Hisao Fukuda, John H. Dyck and Jim Stout

No. (SSS234-01) , September 2002

This report provides a detailed description and analysis of policies used by Japan to support its sugar producers and to regulate sweetener markets. Domestic policies include price floors for cane and beet farmers; subsidies to sugar refiners to compensate for the high cost of domestic sugarcane and sugarbeets; and quantity limits on the production of high-fructose corn syrup. All sugar imports must be sold to a government state-trading enterprise and then repurchased at a higher price. Prices within Japan are significantly above world prices as a result of Japan's policies.

Keywords: Japan, sugar, sweeteners, high-fructose corn syrup, policies, domestic support, state trading, trade, trade liberalization

In this report ...

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Updated date: September 2002

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