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Pest Management in U.S. Agriculture

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Jorge Fernandez-Cornejo and Sharon Jans

Agricultural Handbook No. (AH717) 84 pp, October 1999

This report describes the use of pest management practices, including integrated pest management (IPM), for major field crops and selected fruits and vegetables. The data came chiefly from the 1996 Agricultural Resource Management Study (ARMS) developed by USDA. Because different pest classes may dominate among different crops and regions, requiring different pest management techniques to control them, the extent of adoption of pest management practices varies widely. For example, insects are a major pest class in cotton production, while minor for soybeans. As insect management has a wider variety of nonchemical techniques than weed control, cotton growers are expected to be further ahead on the IPM continuum than soybean producers.

Keywords: pest management, IPM, pesticides, green technologies, field crops, fruits and vegetables

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Updated date: October 1, 1999

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